What’s MongoDB?
Examples Installation To install MongoDB, follow the steps below: For Mac OS: There are two options for Mac OS: manual install or homebrew. Installing with homebrew: Type the following command into the terminal. Download Studio 3T, the professional GUI and IDE for MongoDB preferred by over 100,000 developers and DBAs. Build queries fast, generate instant code, import/export in multiple formats, and much more. Available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

- Compass in MongoDB 3.4 is excellent. You get a fast overview of your data's behaviour and you can easily identify a bottleneck or a slow query that could be causing performance issues, which means you can get an even faster solution for your problem.
- MongoDB: Install on MacOS In this tutorial, we present a step by step tutorial on how to install MongoDB on Mac OS. The operating system considered for this tutorial is macOS 10.14 (Mojave).
- How to Install MongoDB on MacOS. MongoDB is an open source, cross platform document-oriented database management system. It is a NoSQL database which stores data and schemas as JSON objects. Mongodb is developed by Mongodb Inc and is published under GNU affero General Public License and Apache. This tutorial describes the steps involved in the installation of MongoDB on MacOS.
MongoDB is a document database which belongs to a family of databases called NoSQL - not only SQL. In MongoDB, records are documents which behave a lot like JSON objects in JavaScript. Bejeweled twist for mac free download. Values in documents can be looked up by their field’s key. Documents can have some fields/keys and not others, which makes Mongo extremely flexible.
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This is different than SQL databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL, where fields correspond to columns in a table and individual records correspond to rows.
- You should have some familiarity with the Mac Terminal application since you’ll need to use it to install and run MongoDB.
- Dependencies. This guide goes over the two main ways to install MongoDB on a Mac. One of the methods requires Homebrew.
- Homebrew. Homebrew is a package manager for the Mac – it makes installing most open source software (like MongoDB) as simple as writing
brew install mongodb
. Follow the instructions in the How to Install Homebrew on a Mac instruction guide.
- Homebrew. Homebrew is a package manager for the Mac – it makes installing most open source software (like MongoDB) as simple as writing

Installation Overview
Install Mongodb On Mac
There are two primary ways to install MongoDB on a Mac. The best way to install MongoDB is with Homebrew. The other way to install MongoDB is by downloading it from the the MongoDB website.
Macos Mongodb
Install and Run MongoDB with Homebrew
- Open the Terminal app and type
brew update
. - After updating Homebrew
brew install mongodb
- After downloading Mongo, create the “db” directory. This is where the Mongo data files will live. You can create the directory in the default location by running
mkdir -p /data/db
Make sure that the
directory has the right permissions by running- Run the Mongo daemon, in one of your terminal windows run
. This should start the Mongo server. - Run the Mongo shell, with the Mongo daemon running in one terminal, type
in another terminal window. This will run the Mongo shell which is an application to access data in MongoDB. - To exit the Mongo shell run
- To stop the Mongo daemon hit
Install and Run MongoDB by Downloading it Manually
- Go to the MongoDB website’s download section and download the correct version of MongoDB.
After downloading Mongo move the gzipped tar file (the file with the extension .tgz that you downloaded) to the folder where you want Mongo installed. In this case, we’ll say that we want Mongo to live in our home folder, and so the commands might look something like this:
Extract MongoDB from the the downloaded archive, and change the name of the directory to something more palatable: > cd ~/ > tar -zxvf mongodb-osx-x86_64-3.0.7.tgz > mv mongodb-osx-x86_64-3.0.7 mongodb
- Create the directory where Mongo will store data, create the “db” directory. ou can create the directory in the default location by running
mkdir -p /data/db
Make sure that the
directory has the right permissions by running- Run the Mongo daemon, in one terminal window run
. This will start the Mongo server. - Run the Mongo shell, with the Mongo daemon running in one terminal, type
in another terminal window. This will run the Mongo shell which is an application to access data in MongoDB. - To exit the Mongo shell run
- To stop the Mongo daemon hit